CHS Agricultural & Industrial Courses
Introduction to Agriculture, Food Natural Resources
Fundamentals of Ag Mechanics
Mrs. Jessica Knutson
Topics covered are: FFA; leadership; SAE; natural resources; animal science; agribusiness; food science; agriculture systems technology.
Topics covered are: safety, maintenance of mechanical equipment and agricultural technology; servicing and testing mechanical systems; internal combustion engines; hydraulics; project planning; metal fabrication; electricity.
Animal Science
Topics covered are: anatomy and physiology; breeds; safety; nutrition; health; reproduction; genetics; performance; consumer concerns.
Leadership and Personal Development
Topics covered are: personal growth; goal setting; career skills; FFA; parliamentary procedure; leadership skills; teamwork; effective communication; public speaking.
Service Learning
Service Learning includes three major components: a learning experience, a service experience and product and/or presentation. Throughout the components, nine Quality Standards of Service Learning will be addressed: Meaningful Service, Link to Curriculum, Reflection, Diversity, Youth Voice, Partnerships, Progress Monitoring, Duration/Intensity and Career Development.